Excellent Collaboration

With collective teacher efficacy scoring at the top of the Hattie's scale of effect sizes at 1.57 [Hattie, The Applicability of Visible Learning to Higher Education, 2015] and areas like teacher estimates of achievement, response to intervention, strategies to integrate prior knowledge and classroom discussion also ranking near the top; the way we conduct our collaborations with other educators becomes extremely important in addressing these areas. What makes collaboration time effective and efficient? Let's take a look at some strategies that we can use for collaboration that will help us to make better use of our time together. All collaboration…

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Using Student Data

We talk about student data. We encourage the use of student data in planning effective lessons. We seek to center our conversations and collaborations with other educators around student data; but,, what do we really mean when we use the words "student data"? Is the context in which we use these words really what we intend and is our understanding of student data really what it should be? Let's talk about data and what effective student data is and is not. While end-of-year and end-of-course exams mandated by the state certainly create student data, the data created is mostly summative…

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Intervention Centered Instruction

It is important that as teachers our focus is not on how much material we cover but on the quality of learning that takes place in our classroom. If we are to maintain this focus on student learning, we must know when to move forward and when to clarify or provide additional instruction. One way this can be accomplished is by looking at the level and type of intervention required for most students to master a concept.  Most of the time when we think about intervention, we envision students being separated from other students and presented with individual or small…

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