Using Student Data

We talk about student data. We encourage the use of student data in planning effective lessons. We seek to center our conversations and collaborations with other educators around student data; but,, what do we really mean when we use the words "student data"? Is the context in which we use these words really what we intend and is our understanding of student data really what it should be? Let's talk about data and what effective student data is and is not. While end-of-year and end-of-course exams mandated by the state certainly create student data, the data created is mostly summative…

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Grades and Mastery

As educators we are constantly told that it's not about the students' grades; it's about whether students master the standard being taught and whether they can demonstrate that they have the necessary knowledge and skills. The problem is that we are still required by schools, our communities and even employers to assign grades and rank students. What can we do to close the gap between testing, assessment and grading, and the idea of true student mastery?First of all, let's take a look at the way we have traditionally graded students. Typically, we teach a lesson, have students practice with us…

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