Be Your Best

"Be Your Best," is a statement I've heard pretty much all of my life but as an educator it takesĀ  on new meaning. For a teacher, trying to be your best takes effort and understanding of exactly what those three words encompass. Being your best not only takes time but also a willingness to embrace the mentality that is necessary to constantly strive to be your best. Being your best is hard work. It requires you to seek out others, to embrace change, to look for new things, to try new ideas, and to sometimes accept failure. Being our best…

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Listening for Real

In my current position in secondary education, I spend a great deal of time in classrooms with teachers attempting to understand their instructional needs and partnering with them to help and support them in fulfilling those needs. I have found that one of the most important skills that I have to constantly work to develop is the skill of focused, real listening. When I enter a teacher's classroom, at the teacher's request, to observe students and their reaction to instruction, it is usually because a teacher has some basis for believing that some aspect of their daily instruction could work…

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