Using Student Data

We talk about student data. We encourage the use of student data in planning effective lessons. We seek to center our conversations and collaborations with other educators around student data; but,, what do we really mean when we use the words "student data"? Is the context in which we use these words really what we intend and is our understanding of student data really what it should be? Let's talk about data and what effective student data is and is not. While end-of-year and end-of-course exams mandated by the state certainly create student data, the data created is mostly summative…

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The Best Laid Plans

As teachers, we plan, we assess, we adjust and we do it all again; but sometimes even our best lesson plans, that seem to work so well on paper, just don't work with students. What do we do when we create a great lesson but students don't become engaged and don't participate in a meaningful way? What do we do when an entire class doesn't seem to be involved in our lesson? I believe this is the time we go back to the basics.As I write this, we have just returned from a week-long Thanksgiving break, and as might be…

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